Culver City Art + Architecture

Day 16

Culver City California has some really cool/weird architecture. This mural painted by Jen Stark is on a parking garage located at The Platform LA a new outdoor shopping center and the black and white image is a little cactus sculpture elevated 20 feet off the ground. 

Love, create, inspire.

Spirit Animal

Day 12

While I was at Lightning in A Bottle I took a class on animal totems and was lead into a meditation to find my first spirit animal. The animal that came to me was a horse! I am deeply afraid of horses. I guess its time to face a fear:) 

Happy Little Buddha

Are you happy at this very moment? If you answer yes, then stop reading now and go have an amazing day!! If you answer no I have to ask you another question.  Why are you not happy? I spent my whole 20's searching for something outside of myself to make me happy. I own so many self help books that all basically say the same thing. Happiness is within you and happiness is a choice. Are your choices supporting your happiness or making you more unhappy? This is kind of why I started this project in the first place. I was starting to go down a path of, I'm not doing enough, I'm not feeling inspired. This is a dangerous place to go because it will kill whatever inspiration I do have. This means I would be doing less and less and becoming more and more unhappy. Ugh! What I'm learning from this daily ritual of creating a new image is that I'm being forced (by myself) to think about creation everyday and every post that I make is a win no matter how small:)  What do you have to be grateful for today? 

Love, Create, Inspire

Jesse DeYoung 

Day 6 Small wins are still wins.

Day 6 

Small wins are still wins.

Vintage Venice

One of the coolest things about living in Southern California is seeing the old cars that never age. I spotted this baby on the way to our Local Skill Posing School location! 

Day 4 

Day 4


Magic Moments

This kid (and his dad) just showed up in the middle of our shoot and asked if he could get in a photo with Shay. I said sure!! With a small amount of direction this is what we came up with:)  

Day 3 You got this!

Day 3 

You got this!

Afternoon Dreaming

Griffith park has become my go to place for exercise and inspiration. Yesterday I brought my girlfriend, Shay, along for the journey and we ended up in this amazing pine tree forest.  I asked her to lay down on a rock that the sun was hitting so I could take some photos to test how the light would look on a persons face. I had a feeling it was going to look great:) And it did!  I added a purple overlay to give the image a more vintage/ day dreamy feel incase you're wondering:)

See you tomorrow!    

Love, Create, Inspire 

Jesse DeYoung

One Day at A Time.

Yesterday was the day that I was supposed to be sober for 6 years. I forgot all about it until I was sitting at the dinner table and looked down at my watch and saw the date May 17. Oh shit its May 17th I thought. I flood of feelings came up that I wasn't expecting. Did I let myself down? Should I start over? The thought of starting over is so daunting and seems like a bad idea. I felt like I was just counting the days and collecting time that I could never cash in. When I first started counting the days of sobriety I really needed it and it felt like every day sober was a huge achievement. Don't get me wrong, it was. It was a struggle to change my behavior and not rely on this crutch that I was leaning on so heavily to get out of the house, to be social, to not judge myself so harshly on any mistakes that I made that day, week or month.  What I found is a new crutch and that was, and still is, my camera. I could go to parties and interact with every person at the party, take their picture and not feel socially awkward or left out because I wasn't drinking anymore.  Photography has now become so much more for me. It's now my full-time passion, purpose and my career. So, I don't want to measure the days by something that I don't do everyday. That means I need a new ritual. Instead, I'm going to start celebrating something that I DO everyday. Starting today, May 18th, I'm going to capture a new photo everyday and post it to this blog for one year. Thinking about the big picture (pun intended) is a bit overwhelming. I don't have a theme yet, I don't really know what the days will bring, but if I do the work one day at a time, I know I will succeed!

I hope you walk through this door with me and follow along on my journey. Join in if you want to! 

Love, Create, Inspire

Jesse DeYoung 

Day 1

Day 1I found this doorway less than a mile form my apartment in Los Feliz. I love the leading lines and thought it was perfect for my first post entering the unknown.  

Day 1

I found this doorway less than a mile form my apartment in Los Feliz. I love the leading lines and thought it was perfect for my first post entering the unknown.